
Buongiorno Ragazzi!
Finalmente sono tornata! Sono stata un po’ impegnata con gli esami, ma vi prometto che da domani ricomincerò a caricare outfit post e tra l’altro ho tantissime idee carine in vista del Natale… Speriamo di riuscire a fare tutto!! Oggi, dopo una bella dormita rigenerante, sarò in giro per un grande shopping natalizio in super ritardo! Spero riuscirò a fare tutto!
Vi mando un bacione e vi lascio con alcune delle mie foto caricate su Instagram recentemente… avete forse notato che sono golosa ?? 🙂

Hello Guys!
I’m finally back! I was a bit busy with my exams during this week, but I promise that tomorrow I’ll start to upload outfit post and by the way I have lots of nice ideas ahead of Christmas … I hope to do it all! Today, after a good night’s sleep refreshing, I’ll be around for a great Christmas shopping ! I hope I can do it all!
I send you a big kiss and leave you some of my photos uploaded to Instagram recently … have you noticed that I’m greedy? 🙂

Follow me on Instagram: @styleandtrouble

1. Delicious Dessert!
2. Shooting with Fabrizio Piscopo this look –> Red and Missoni Shooting!
3.One pics from–> Grey Outfit
4. My Power Breakfast!

1.Some Package for me… Happy! 🙂
2. One photo from –> Parco Ducale Shooting
3. Cool Nails of my Friend Debby and iPhone Cover
4. Best Ice Cream in Parma : Emilia

1. Best Ice Cream in Parma and best Packaging : Emilia

 2. Going to my Best Friend’s Birthday party
3. German Dinner
4. Eleonora’s Birthday cakes!

1. Love cake for  Eleonora +21|
2. Going to shoot this look –> Let me Introduce you Alce!
3. Ice Cream again! 🙂
4. By November GlossyBox

1. One Pics from Let me Introduce you Alce!
2. Studying…
3. Ice Cream again :-)))
4. Pics from –> Jeans Studded Jacket

1. Christmas Cookies (here you can find the recpie–>Christmas Cookies )

 2. One shoot from Jeans Studded Jacket
3. Santa Lucia è arrivata anche da me! 🙂
4. Bags+Shoes

1. Order in my Closet 🙂
2.  Choosing new Outfit 
3. Love this pics from –> Sweet November
4. Love Parma by Night

1.Cool Bottle!
2. Me in Red (soon on the blog!)
3. Christmas Cookies’ post (here you can find the recpie–>Christmas Cookies )
4. Studying.. again and I’m well paired 

1. Beautiful Pinko’s Gift
2. Essential Things
3.-4. Power Breakfast

1.Photos from  Parco Ducale Shooting
2. Good Morning!!
3. Beautiful Gift from Cruciani
4. Mexican dinner at Home by Ritual  (uno dei miei ristoranti preferiti!)

1. e 2 New Feltrinelli Store in Parma, I love it!
3. Lunch with my Best Friend Elisa
4. Some of my Rings, Bracelets, Brushes and MakeUp’s Products

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Don’t forget to follow me on FacebookTwitter and Bloglovin!
